Board of Directors


District Board Meetings are held the second Tuesday of the Month at 3:00 pm in the Conference Room at Station 49, 501 Pleasant Valley Road, Diamond Springs, CA 95619.All meetings are open to the public though the board may occasionally go into private (closed) session to discuss legal issues, personnel matters or other matter as provided by state law.

Matters not on the agenda may be addressed by the general public during the Open Forum. Public comments during Open Forum are limited to three minutes per person. The Board reserves the right to waive said rules by a majority vote.

Diamond Springs-El Dorado Fire Protection District, in complying with the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA), requests individuals who require specific accommodations to access, attend or participate in the Board Meeting, due to disability, to please contact the District at 530-626-3190 at least two (2) business days prior to the scheduled meeting to ensure that the District may assist you.


Matthew Anderson, Director

Fire Captain/Paramedic Sacramento Fire Department
Term: 12-6-2024 to 12-1-2028

Gary Cooper, Director/President
Business Owner
Term: 12-6-2024 to 12-1-2028

Lloyd Rutherford, Director

Retired FF/Engineer Sacramento Fire Department

Term: 12-6-2024 to 12-1-2028

Michael Pettibone, Director                                                                 

Business Owner
Term: 12-2-2022 to 12-4-2026

Michael Weidert, Director/Vice President

Business Owner

Term: 12-2-2022 to 12-4-2026

Agendas & Minutes

