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Past Planning


Long Range Planning was adopted by the District, as a formal process, in 1987 and has been conducted as a five-year self assessment process since that time.  The plan has been revised annually for the last five years.  Planning is intended to set goals for the District relative to its mission.  Since its inception, the Long Range Plan has been used as a measuring device and is intended to assess our progress as an organization.  No plan can completely predict future fiscal, development or regulatory changes that affect the level of service we provide.  This plan’s primary focus is capitol improvements and purchases relative to the impacts of development


The District has been successful in meeting many of the goals outlined in the last plan.  These include the following:

1.                  Purchase of new Engine 46

2.                  Replacement of a command vehicles

3.                  Full time staffing of Station 46

4.                  Purchase of washer extractor

5.                  Installation of Cell Tower at Station 44

6.                  Broadened volunteer training shifts

7.                  Modifications and improvements to Station 44, 46 and 47

8.                  Addition of Water Tender 49

9.                  Refurbished Engine 246

10.              Addition of suppression, prevention and administrative staff.


The funding options for special districts in California have been narrowed.  Portions of our traditional funding sources are being diverted by the State of California in an attempt to relieve the State of financial responsibilities.  This tax shift continues to represent an annual loss of revenue.  This revenue loss increases each year and has not been back filled by Proposition 172 funds.  The concept of the benefit assessment district has been revoked by the electorate and is no longer a viable option for funding.  At this point, the remaining funding system of ad valorem tax is reliable and permits reasonable fiscal predictions.  While this funding source will support our existing operation, it will not support it against the burden of continuing development.  In 2006 the District, with assistance from the development community established a Community Facilities District to support future improvements in operations required by development.


In order to fund the goals set forth in the last long range plan, the District has had to rely on careful fiscal planning, a strong partnership with the Diamond Springs/El Dorado Firefighters’ Association and the use of automatic aid partners.  The District will continue to pursue funding from grants and anticipates expanding these other endeavors. 

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